Professor in Cyber Security
Co-Director: UWEcyber ACE-CSE
Programme Leader: BSc Cyber Security and Digital Forensics (2024-); MSc Cyber Security (2018-24)
Module Leader: Cyber Security Analytics (2021-); Security Data Analytics and Visualisation (2017-24)
Research: Cyber Security, Machine learning, Visualisation - insider threat, security analytics, adversarial AI, explainable AI
4Q59 / / / @ProfLegg
This module is assessed by a portfolio that is worth 100% of the marks.
Submission date: Thursday 1st May 2025 @ 14:00 (48-hour late window applies).
Submissions are to be made via Blackboard.
Please see Blackboard for further details.
Schedule is subject to change, please follow Blackboard announcements.
Schedule is subject to change, please follow Blackboard announcements.
In this session we will cover:
It is a defensive strategy to better understand the operational environment of digital assets, and a means to make better informed decisions to protect and defend the organisation.
Are we dealing with narrative reports or with data feeds? We need to consider both!
“Security is about understanding systems, the people, and the processes that act upon these systems, such that they remain secure”
Data science and security visualisation requires the following blend of skills that combines the ability to hack and manipulate data, the understanding of statistical techniques, and the domain knowledge of what information is relevant and important for the purpose of security.